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Final NAT’25 Submission Deadline

Due to several requests, we have decided to extend the deadline for.

NAT’25 Call for Papers

The call for papers for the upcoming Neuroadaptive Technology Conference NAT’25 has.

NAT’25 Announced for April

The Forth Neuroadaptive Technology Conference, NAT’25, has been announced to take place.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Dr. h.c. Joscha Bach

Dr. Joscha Bach is a leading expert in cognitive science and artificial intelligence, known for his work on cognitive architectures, artificial general intelligence (AGI), and the philosophy of mind.

In his keynote at NAT’25, Dr. Bach will discuss how his research connects to core concepts in Neuroadaptive Technology, including the alignment between human cognitive processes and adaptive AI systems. He will explore themes such as human-AI symbiosis, cognitive modeling, and the evolution of intelligent systems that respond dynamically to human needs. His talk will challenge conventional thinking on how machines and humans can collaborate more effectively, offering new perspectives on the future of adaptive technology and human-machine interaction.

He has held key positions at prominent institutions such as the MIT Media Lab and the Harvard Program for Evolutionary Dynamics. His research focuses on understanding how intelligence emerges from both human cognition and machine learning models, exploring topics like consciousness, perception, and mental representation.

Dr. Bach’s work seeks to bridge the gap between cognitive science and AI, providing new frameworks for the development of adaptive and human-compatible AI systems. His thought-provoking ideas have made him a highly sought-after speaker at conferences worldwide, where he shares his vision of AI’s role in society and its ethical implications.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup leads the Neuroinformatics Research Group at the University of Vienna, focusing on the convergence of machine learning, neurotechnology, and biosignal processing.

Brain-Artificial Intelligence Interfaces (BAIs)
The introduction of machine learning methods into the field of brain-computer interfacing (BCIs), which began almost two decades ago, has enabled unprecedented performance gains. Today, machine learning algorithms have become an indispensable component of BCIs. However, the field of machine learning has undergone a radical transformation in the past decade, giving rise to artificial intelligence (AI) systems that surpass human performance in many real-world tasks. In this talk, I argue that it is time for the BCI community to embrace these developments and build Brain-AI Interfaces (BAIs), i.e., systems that leverage the power of modern AI technologies to enable natural human-computer interaction. In particular, I suggest that to realize BAIs, we need to move beyond using AIs merely to decode neuronal signals and instead integrate AI agents into the neuroadaptive feedback loop. I will showcase a prototype of a conversational BAI and outline future directions and challenges in realizing the full potential of BAIs.

He earned his Dipl.-Ing. in Electrical and Information Engineering (2004) and his Dr.-Ing. (2008) from the Technical University of Munich.
His career includes postdoctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (2008–2013), leading a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (2013–2017), and serving as a Professor of Data Science at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (2017–2019).
At NAT’25, Prof. Grosse-Wentrup will deliver a keynote titled “Brain–Artificial Intelligence Interfaces (BAIs),” discussing the integration of modern AI technologies into BCIs to enable natural human–computer interaction.

Prof. Willem Zuidema

Willem Zuidema is associate professor of Natural Language Processing, Explainable AI and Cognitive Modelling at the University of Amsterdam.

Blackbox meets blackbox: predicting brain activation from language models, and understanding what that means.
Language models have surprised the world with their linguistic abilities. Intriguingly, the internal states of language models (while processing an input sentence) align quite well with the brain activity that can be measured in humans (while processing the same sentence). In this talk, I discuss how this alignment can be measured, how robust these findings are, and, most importantly, how we can figure out what drives the alignment between models and the brain. I will go over a number of methodological pitfalls that can lead to spurious correlations between high-dimension vector spaces, and argue for a research program that tries to open the blackbox of language models to achieve not only accurate predictions of brain activity and possible ways to “read minds”, but also to advance the cognitive neuroscience of language.

He leads a group that has done pioneering and impactful research into the interpretability of deep learning models, including text-based language models and neural speech models. His work has been published in a diversity of venues across cognitive science and AI, including NeurIPS, ICLR, EACL, EMNLP, ACL, Journal of AI Research, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Journal of Phonetics, PNAS and Nature.


NAT’25 will take place in Berlin, Germany, at the conference hotel ABION Spreebogen (****). The conference venue is located in the heart of Berlin, close to the main station (~5 Minutes by public transport).

Hotel rooms at the conference hotel can be booked here

The conference registration fee includes access to the conference, lunch and coffee.

Other hotels and hostels, like the Hotel Tiergarten Berlin Mitte (***), the Amstel House Hostel Berlin (**) and the Wallyard Concept Hostel, can be found nearby the conference venue (a walk of less than 15 minutes).


Registration fees. All inclusive (conference, lunch included) + 50,- for the social evening

Registration fees

Early Bird Standard
(before 15th of January 2025)

EUR 600,-

Early Bird Industry / Exhibitors
(before 15th of January 2025)

EUR 800,-

Early Bird PostDoc
(before 15th of January 2025)

EUR 500,-

Early Bird PhD/Student
(before 15th of January 2025)

EUR 450,-

Regular Standard
(before 23rd of February 2025)

EUR 700,-

Regular Industry / Exhibitors
(before 23rd of February 2025)

EUR 900,-

Regular PostDoc
(before 23rd of February 2025)

EUR 600,-

Regular PhD/Student
(before 23rd of February 2025)

EUR 500,-

Late Standard
(from 24th of February 2025)

EUR 800,-

Late Industry / Exhibitors
(from 24th of February 2025)

EUR 1000,-

Late PostDoc
(from 24th of February 2025)

EUR 700,-

Late PhD/Student
(from 24th of February 2025)

EUR 600,-


Below are listed the most important dates and deadlines concerning the NAT’25 conference.

Website open for contribution submission

1st of December, 2024

Contribution submission deadline

15th of January, 2025
Final Deadline extended to 5th of February, 2025

Author feedback

21st of February, 2025


7th – 10th of April, 2025

Call for Papers

We cordially invite you to submit contributions of research in the area of neuroadaptive technology, including artificial intelligence, fundamentals and applied work. The call for papers (see below; also available as PDF) has a detailed list of relevant topics.

NAT’25 welcomes novel research results and ideas, but also explicitly invites already-published work to provide an overview of relevant research in the different domains to a new audience.

All accepted contributions will be published in the conference proceedings.

Submissions can be made through the submission page, using the provided template.

Please feel free to share the call for papers to your academic and industrial network.


Use this form to submit your contributions to the NAT’25 conference. Please use the provided template in a compatible format.

-The deadline to submit your contribution to the NAT’25 conference is extended until 5th of February, 2025 now.-

Please use the attached Word template to structure and style your submission.

The maximum length of the submission is 2 pages, including at most 1 figure. References do not count towards the maximum page length. Please also include at least 2 keywords. Further details are given or described in the template document itself;.

To ensure a blind review, please do not include your names and affiliations in the template. Instead, you will be asked to provide them during the submission process. Also try to not provide other obvious clues to your own identities, e.g. by referring to own past work: “We (Zander et al., 2022) showed that…”

When your submission is finished, please use the submission page on this website to submit it for consideration.


Broad Areas

  • Neuroadaptive
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Applications

Specific Topics

  • Passive BCIs
  • Physiological Computing
  • Affective Computing
  • Neurofeedback
  • Neuroethics
  • Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Autonomous Systems
  • User Modelling
  • Neurogaming
  • Wearable Sensors
  • Autonomous driving
  • Virtual Reality
  • Robotics

Organizing Committee

Conference Chairs:
Thorsten O. Zander, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany

Contact Information

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